Perth Family Health Centre Articles of Interest
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We have gathered articles on relevant information pertaining to various conditions and chiropractic cares affects on it. Offering a evidenced based practice helps patient’s and doctors gain better results that are longer lasting with an understanding of what works and what does not! Below are some abstracts from various sources and papers we hope you enjoy the reads from your Leader’s in Hands on Solutions to Health!
True dangers of concussion, CTE often misunderstood: expert
Chiropractic management of patients with acute mechanical low back pain. A research article from The Spine Journal
This article uses evidence based clinical practice guidelines for the management of patients with acute mechanical low back pain. Its purpose was to determine if patients who received chiropractic care had greater improvement in functional outcomes then those that received family physician directed usual care for the acute(pain lasting less then 4-6 weeks) mechanical(source of the pain may be in the spinal joints, discs, vertebrae, or soft tissues) pain of the low back. This study was a blind study(the observer is unaware of which patient is receiving which intervention/treatment) All patients in the study were in acute pain 4-6 week period and ranged from ages 19-59 years old with no “red-flag” conditions that would contraindicate(be possibly detrimental) to spinal manipulations. Baseline testing was taken by patients initially through varying questionnaires that assess their pain scales/activities of daily living limitations and then again on weeks 8,16 and 24 to see if there were any notable changes.
The primary outcome of this study was that the patients seeing a Chiropractic Doctor for the low back pain had significantly noted higher improvements throughout the reassessment process of the study in comparison to those patients that sought out family medical doctor care. At the 24 weeks mark the improvements doubled in comparison to those not using chiropractic care and patients began noticing a significant change in the activities of daily living and what they were capable of completing themselves due to a decrease in pain in the low back.
In conclusion this study shows that yes those who seek out Chiropractic care during their mechanical low back pain show signs of recuperating faster, having decreased pain and being able to achieve tasks of daily living in a more functioning manner in a faster time frame. This article was posted on The Spine Journal as an abstract October 2010. Author disclosures include;MFSD, CGF.
Maintenance Care using Spinal Manipulation for Chronic Low Back pain: Randomized Trial
Does maintained spinal manipulation therapy for chronic non-specific low back pain result in better long term outcome?
Low back pain(LBP)patients can be fit into one of three categories;those with 1.specific spinal pathology 2.nerve root pain/radicular pain or 3. non specific LBP . About 85% of patients who seek treatment do so for non-specific variety, it is known for its lack of underlying pathology and is considered chronic when it has been present for at least 12 weeks. This study focuses on using long-term care from chiropractic doctors for prevention of flare-ups or re-occurrence of the condition. Two purposes of this study were; 1. investigate the effectiveness of spinal manipulation therapy(SMT) for the management of chronic low back pain and 2.determine whether maintenance SMT is effective in reducing pain and disability levels associated with chronic low back pain over an extended period of time following an initial phase of treatment. 93 patients were selected to participate in this study patients had to be 20-60 years of age with chronic low back pain and had the condition for at least 6 months.which were then split into 3 groups matched for age and sex. The 3 groups comprised of a control group(sham manipulations were administered) and 2 treatment groups that received a standardized type of SMT(spinal manipulation therapy). All patients received 12 sessions of SMT or sham SMT over a 1 month period plus a prescribed back exercise. One group continued to receive SMT past the one month for 9 months bi-weekly. A baseline was achieved by an evaluation prior to commencing treatments that consisted of detailed health history, physical examination(full neurological and musculoskeletal)a complete blood count, Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate and c-Reactive Protein(CRP)as well as lateral radiographs and lumbar spine magnetic resonance imaging. Patients were evaluated at baseline and at 1,4 ,7 and 10 months by an examiner who was blinded(was unaware as to what the groups assignment was) The ongoing evaluations reveal that patients who received maintained SMT throughout the 10 months biweekly had significantly less pain then those that only received treatment for the initial one month period, both showed similar signs of progression in decreasing pain in the first month, but then most once stopped treatment returned to their base line scores of pain. This study shows that chiropractic care in the form of maintenance does have a positive effect in decreasing chronic low back pain symptoms.
This is a synopsis of the study Maintenance care using spinal manipulations for chronic LBP: randomized trial+ MP3 if you would like to access the full article.
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
This information was provided for use by Complex patients: Integrating care from the OCA(Ontario Chiropractic Association)
This information was provided for use by Complex patients: Integrating care from the OCA(Ontario Chiropractic Association)
Chiropractors can help seniors manage their MSK disorders and related pain. They can offer guidance to increasing or maintaining active lifestyles which helps manage their conditions offering them a more independent quality of life!
Chiropractic doctors can also offer referrals to community programs that are geared to senior’s active lifestyles since they maintain a rapport with other health care practitioners within their communities.
This information was provided for use by Complex patients: Integrating care from the OCA(Ontario Chiropractic Association)
Several case studies have been reported in this literature. This study was taken from Here if you would like to read the full article. Edited by Ernest Gamble with contributions from Ernest gamble, Rachael Lowe and Oyemi Sillo
For a full list of foods and where they stand on the scale of FODMAPS and to read this full article.
MdDS: Mal de Debarquement Syndrome
- Disequilibrium-unsteadiness, a decrease in balance
- Extreme or unusual fatigue
- Cognitive impairment, decrease ability to concentrate, confusion or even memory loss
- Anxiety and/or depression
- Sensitivity to flickering light’s, loud/sudden noises, fast/sudden movements, enclosed areas and busy patterns
- Headaches and migraines
- Heaviness or the feeling of gravitational pull of the head, body, feet
- Dizziness
- Ear pain/fullness, tinnitus
- Nausea
For access to the full brochure from The MDDS Foundation visit the website