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Massage for Infants and Children

Newborn babyAll RMT’s are qualified to safely massage infants and children. At Perth Massage Therapy our RMT’s specialize in massage for infants and children having completed higher education courses with extensive training and certification.

Infant Massage promotes bonding, learning, improved relaxation and sleeping patterns, as well as relaxed abdominal tension and improved digestion. Babies can suffer from episodes of gas and colic, while toddlers and children go through aches and pains associated with growing and colds and flues. An RMT can teach a parent the skills to provide massage when needed to help ease and alleviate these symptoms. The touch of a parent can offer a sense of well-being and restoration to their child.

There are also times that massage should be directly provided by an RMT for infants and children. Specific health or medical issues can come into play where an RMT’s expertise is required. Parents may be nervous about doing massage themselves, have multiple babies or need further demonstration to see positive results.

1. McNeely, Cindy, RMT. The Future is now: expanding our practices by providing Massage Therapy for Babies and Children. Massage Therapy Today 2009; Mar: 4-8.

Orthopedic Massage and Integrative Therapy

This multidisciplinary, pain-free approach includes functional assessment, myofascial release, posturology, neuromuscular therapy, scar tissue immobilization, myoskeletal alignment, P.N.F, stretching and strengthening. Orthopedic massage addresses conditions of the upper and lower body. Releasing the superficial fascial line and the ability to tie the entire body together to sort out complicated pain patterns. An essential element is a program of client self-care as an integral part of treatment. Corrective stretching and strengthening exercise for pain free living, structural balance and performance enhancement. Please ask for Judith Argue when booking for this technique.

Functional Anatomical Palpation and Functional Range Release

This technique addresses the increase in neural drive to the muscles and a decrease in the stretch threshold, the nerves provide a barrier to prevent movement into the end range. This leads to a reduction in range of motion. The simultaneous use of isometric contraction and release technique increases the potential to improve range of motion. Treatment and technique are the beginning the rehabilitation process by working on muscle contraction, activation and endurance in the outer ROM, leading to an expansion of the client’s functional range of motion. Functional Range Release treatment offers a more complete tissue release when compared to other fascial and muscular techniques. Please ask for Judith Argue when booking for this technique.

Pre/Post Natal Massage

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for an expecting mother. As much as her baby’s 9 month journey in the womb brings joy and excitement, it also brings physical changes it to her body. Pregnancy significantly changes the mother’s posture and load on her muscles as well as affecting her circulatory system from her growing belly and body preparing for labor. Discomforts range from muscle cramping, headache, swelling of the feet and ankles, back, hip and leg ache and pain, breast discomfort, labored breathing and restless sleep.

An RMT focuses on meeting the therapeutic needs of the mother depending on her trimester and complaints of physical discomfort, as well as any emotional support through touch. The restorative effects of massage alone can be essential in stress reduction and the increased comfort of an expectant mother.

After baby arrives Massage Therapy can aid in the recovery process for the new Mom during her post-natal period. There are still postural discomforts, pain and stiffening of muscles from the labor process. Breast and/or bottle feeding can cause muscle strain in the neck and shoulders alongside general fatigue and lack of sleep. All of our RMT’s are trained in pre and post-natal massage.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy is a light-touch manual therapy that addresses restrictions in the craniosacral system (the membranes and fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord). This vital system extends from the bones of the skull, face and mouth, which make up the cranium, down to the sacrum, or tailbone area. Since the Cranial Sacral system directly impacts our central nervous system, it is easy to see how an imbalance there could cause any number of sensory, motor or neurological disabilities. Craniosacral Therapy helps correct those restrictions so the body can release the effects of stress – naturally.

Craniosacral Therapy* is performed on a fully clothed body. By using a light touch, the practitioner monitors the rhythm of the cranial sacral system to detect potential restrictions and imbalances. The therapist then uses delicate manual techniques to release those problem areas and relieve undue pressure on the brain and spinal cord. A Craniosacral Therapy session can last about 15 minutes to more-than an hour, and the initial evaluation alone is often enough to correct a problem. Craniosacral Therapy is essentially risk-free and aids in returning the body to its greatest levels of performance. Judith Argue & Jessica Alguire are our only RMT’s currently trained in Craniosacral Therapy please advise front desk staff when booking if you would like this treatment.

Cooppee/Manual Decongestive Therapy Taping/K-taping Pro

Lymph Taping is a part of the Medical Taping Concept and is very well suited to stimulate lymphatic drainage. The body’s own recovery process is stimulated by applying an elastic tape material. The special tape has the same elasticity as the skin and by applying the tape in accordance with the anatomy of the lymphatic system as well as positioning the body in a way that the tape is stretched, lymphatic drainage is stimulated 24 hours a day. The tape lifts the skin a little through which the lumen of the lymph capillaries are opened. The pressure on the blood vessels is reduced. Moreover, the tape becomes a conductor of interstitial fluid, which then allows for the decrease in edema. This method has had many advancements in research over the past decades in the western world especially in relation to the edema caused by various cancers and the removal of lymph nodes or mastectomy’s. K-Taping can be used in conjunction for lymphedema or it can be used for muscle imbalances, ligament stability or functionally for posture corrections such as tracking patella’s. Please request an appointment with Judith Argue for decongestive taping treatments. Jessica Alguire and Judith Argue are also trained in Kinesio taping for musculoskeletal injuries or stability issues. Please request one of these RMT’s if you require taping in your treatment.

Massage with Acupuncture

The Contemporary Medical Acupuncture program at McMaster University is recognized by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario as an approach to the treatment of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. The therapy involves the insertion of fine solid disposable needles at relevant points. Using a thorough client health history and palpation the therapist selects the specific points for treatment. Manipulation of the needles and/or Electro-Acupuncture may be part of the Acupuncture Treatment. Contemporary Medical Acupuncture is usually integrated into other modalities (massage therapy, myofascial release and reflexology) Neurological and musculoskeletal injuries include headaches, arthritis, back pain, neck pain, the symptoms of fibromyalgia and Bells Palsy, and joint stress/pain issues such as tennis elbow, ankle sprain, and rotator cuff injuries. (Judith Argue RMT, Acupuncture, M.Ed. has been an active partner with the Perth Massage Therapy group of RMT’s since 2006. She also has certification in Cranial Sacral Therapy, Reflexology, Registered Vodder MLD Therapist and Myofascial Therapy and Contemporary Medical Acupuncture from McMaster University). Judith Argue is our only RMT trained to facilitate acupuncture treatments please advise front desk staff you would like an acupuncture treatment when booking.

Hot Stone Massage Therapy

The stones we use are Basalt lava Stones. They are natural volcanic rock worn smooth by the action of water. The stones are submerged in water and heated until the therapist can comfortably hold them in her hands while working. The application of oil to the stones and the skin allows for smooth movement of the stones over the body. The heat from the stones penetrates the muscles encouraging greater relaxation within the tissues. The individual experiencing massage with hot stones leaves the therapy room with a deep sense of relaxation and well-being and decreased muscle hypertonicity due to the reflexive effects the heat has on the body’s muscles. Please ask to book with Judith Argue for your hot stone massage therapy appointment.


Hydrotherapies are often incorporated with most treatments in the form of hot or cold applications with a therapeutic intention. Our therapists use thermophores which are moist electric heat pads in treatments to alleviate muscle tension and warm the body. We also have access to ice packs or ice cups for ice massage should you have a more acute injury, that would require ice protocol or if treating a repetitive strain injury, which would generally require ice massage after a friction treatment. We also offer, paraffin wax dips for no extra cost with your treatment’s.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

The Vodder method of Lymphatic drainage is internationally recognized for preventing and reducing edema and lymphedema. This gentle approach assists the lymphatic system to remove excess tissue fluid that may build up after surgery (mastectomy/hip replacement etc.) or injury (sprains, broken bones) as well as reducing scar tissue. The practitioner works with mild pressure on the skin. The manipulations are uniform and rhythmic encouraging the relaxation response. The benefits due to increased circulation are: improvement of the motor activity in the lymphatic vessels, displacement of fluids, softening fibrosis, reduction of pain, and effect on the sympathetic nervous system associated with the vessels. Manual Lymphatic Drainage works with elements of the immune system due to increased circulation. The Vodder practitioner attends an extensive training to master the techniques required to apply this method. Request your appointment with Judith Argue or Jessica Alguire if you are seeking MLD treatments.


Reflexology is a treatment involving application of pressure to the feet and hands with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques without the use of oil or lotion. It is based on a system of zones and reflex areas that reportedly reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands, with the premise that such work effects a physical change to the body. Reflexology works with the idea that areas on the foot correspond to areas of the body, and that by manipulating these one can improve health through one’s qi. Reflexologists believe that these areas and reflex points correspond to different body organs and systems, and that pressing them has a beneficial effect on the organs and person’s general health. Although reflexology is not used to diagnose or cure health disorders, millions of people around the world use it to complement other treatments when addressing conditions like anxiety, asthma, cancer treatment, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, headaches, kidney function, PMS, and sinusitis. Please ask when booking your appointment to see Judith Argue to fit reflexology into your massage treatment.

Indie Head Massage

Indie Head Massage is a form of relaxation massage that focuses on the muscles of the neck, shoulders, scalp and face. It uses a variety of techniques that can help relieve stress, muscle tension, headaches, insomnia and jaw dysfunction. It is also known for promoting hair growth and ridding the body of toxins while creating a sense of well-being. In addition, Indie Head Massage may also help sinus problems and mental tiredness. The treatment covers the whole scalp (using hot oil). We suggest bringing with you a head band for post treatment as the hair is saturated in oil by the end of the session. Book with Judith Argue for your Inde Head massage treatment.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping is a ancient Chinese method of treatment that uses hallow vessels attached to the skin surface by negative pressure. They can be sustained or used in motion along the skin’s surface. Often used today as an effective option to treat musculoskeletal conditions, including myofascial dysfunctions, chronic pain, hypertonicity, trigger points and some systemic problems as well. It works by creating a negative pressure or suction which then stimulates local tissues mechanically, and therefore increases local tissue metabolism, intensifying the healing response. The suction pulls the muscle fibres upward and inward into the cup, which subsequently loosens the fibres and decreases pain.

Our Registered Massage Therapists Judith Argue and Sarah Foster offer this technique in their massage therapy treatments.

Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT™)

Is a hands on treatment method that uses a light touch and subtle manipulations to treat a wide variety of conditions. It is different from other treatment approaches in that multiple body systems, as well as their interaction with one another are considered. IMT addresses disease, disability, dysfunction and pain. IMT is not like any other manual treatment approach, it is best described as a process that addresses both structural and functional aspects of your health. It can be used as either a treatment method or means of preventing future health issues. If other methods have not worked for you this may. Another aspect that sets this manual therapy apart is that you remain fully clothed during an IMT session. Usually treatment is done with you lying down on a treatment table; however if that is not comfortable for you it can be done in another position.

IMT uses a hands-on approach of soft tissue manipulation. These manipulations allow your body to release any compensations that have been made that may be preventing the area from healing.

More about IMT »

These can build up over time as your body adapts to different injuries. At one point there are no more adaptations that can be made and pain occurs. By working through these compensations your body can often return to its optimal function. Adaptations that keep an area from healing include, but are not limited to, tight muscles, tight fascia (the layer around muscles), and improper bio mechanics (joint integrity). After a treatment session an adjustment period is often needed for the results to become apparent. During this period new changes may be noticed throughout the body. This usually occurs within a 24-hour period. At each visit the techniques used will be slightly different. The use of different techniques allows progression through the treatment plan. As with any other form of treatment, the session is under your control and can be stopped or modified at any time. This treatment requires a minimum 45 minute time block up to two hour session’s, Jessica will advise you after your initial treatment what is best for your personalized treatment plan. IMT treatments can only be performed by Jessica Alguire, please inform front desk staff so they can accommodate you into Jessica’s schedule.

Matrix Repatterning

Matrix Repatterning is a manual therapy technique that addresses underlying patterns of tension in the body. These patterns are created as our body experiences physical impacts, such as falls and concussions, through our daily activities. When our body encounters an impact the associated force needs to be absorbed; this happens in the denser tissues in our body. The tension patterns that result can cause both local pain as well as pain elsewhere throughout the body. By addressing these patterns with precise and gentle pressure the body is able to return to a state of balance, improved function and health.

Matrix repatterning is a gentle and non-invasive form of manual therapy. It is safe and effective for people of all ages as well as those with chronic or complex pain. All treatments are done with the patient fully clothed. (Please wear comfortable clothing, no jeans please.)

Often 6-8 treatments are needed to work through the first treatment plan. Ideally these are either 45 minutes or an hour long and spaced about a week apart.

Please request an appointment with Jessica Alguire CMRP or Judith Argue CMRP when booking for Matrix Repatterning.

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Perth Family Health Centre Massage Services | (613) 267-2951